Green, Green, Green! It's an all green storytime for St. Patrick's Day! Wear your green clothes and come hear some great stories. Join us: on Tuesday, March 13 at the Abbeville Library, on Wednesday, March 14 at the Calhoun Falls Library, or on Thursday, March 15 at the Donalds Library. All storytimes are at 4 pm. Don't miss it!
All of our locations have Internet access for patrons, and the same library card is good at all three libraries. Come check out all our locations -- you're always welcome!
Like to make a gift to the library? Check out our Amazon Wish List
The Abbeville County Library System is committed to providing quality materials and programs to meet the needs of our community. We support lifelong learning, an informed citizenry, and a love of reading. We offer a broad selection of print and media resources and access to information through current technology. Staff members are dedicated to providing information and library services in a welcoming environment. So come on in, and check us out --